Savjeti maslinarima
Mušica maslininih grančica
Resseliella oleisuga Targioni-Tozzeti, Diptera, Cecidomydae
Rasprostranjenost i biljke domaćini
Štetnik je rasprostranjen u svim maslinarskim mediteranskim zemljama. Uglavnom napada maslinu, ali se može naći i na drugim biljnim vrstama iz obitelji uljarica kao što su širokolisna i srednja zelenika te jasen.
Način života
Štetnik prezimi u stadiju ličinke ("crvić") ispod kore grančica. Najčešće se nalaze u grančicama promjera do 1 cm. Ličinke se u proljeće kukulje i iz njih izlaze odrasli oblici štetnika. Nakon parenja, oplođena ženka mušice polaže jaja u pukotine ili u razna sitna oštećenja na grančicama masline. Iz jaja izlaze ličinke i hrane se tkivom masline u kojem prave kratke hodnike. Cijeli sustav hodnika ima izgled dvostranog češlja za kosu. Ličinka, nakon dvadesetak dana svog razvoja, izlazi iz grančice, pada na tlo i u njemu se kukulji. Iz kukuljica proljetne generacije izlaze odrasli oblici mušice koji daju ljetnu generaciju. Ljetna generacija mušice maslinine kore ima isti razvojni ciklus, osim što se njezine ličinke ne kukulje u tlu već prezime ispod kore grančica.
Opasan je štetnik mladih maslina. Štete rade ličinke. Na mjestu napada kora masline poprima ljubičasto-smeđu boju, suši se u dužini od 3 do 4 cm i širini od 1 do 2 cm. Usljed izlaska ličinki navedeno mjesto ima češljasti izgled. Iznad mjesta napada grančice masline se suše.
Borba protiv navedenog štetnika provodi se odrezivanjem i uništavanjem zaraženih grana na kojima su vidljivi simptomi napada. Kod rezidbe treba paziti da se odreže i dio u kojemu su prezimljujuće ličinke. U slučaju jačeg napada jedino su učinkoviti sistemični insekticidi jer moraju ubiti ličinke ispod kore masline.
dr. Miro Katalinić
Komentari (19) |
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Play inrifmatove for me, Mr. internet writer.
I know what you mean with the filling out with PUGs. In the past I've seen a lot of guild runs never get going for lack of ineertsted people.@Dw-redux: Clearly you're very convincing!@jeffo: I have to admit to being one of those people. Why spend the time to ask in gchat and wait for people to finish what they're doing to respond and join when I can press a couple buttons and get a group instantly?
~ Jul 2, 2012 Absolutely fantastic post! Thanks a bunch for all in the get the job done on it. This is etacxly the type of analysis people need to see! Excellent job.
I came, I read this article, I corneequd.
I don't think you're obligated to GIVE gulmaidtes things. Many people choose to be nice to their gulmaidtes and give things like enchants for free but I'd never expect it, I'd always provide mats.I do think you are absolutely obligated to craft for free. Consumables should only be made for AH mats value. Crafting / cutting / etc should always be done for free. I'd be stunned if someone tried to charge. But I've only played in tight knit guilds. Make money off the AH not off your buddies.
I, for one, have quite a few very special poplee in my life who I consider to be great friends of mine. Most of them, I have never, ever, ever met in person. We know each other from podcasts, and blogs, and online chatting of various means, etc. My husband and I first met online, and things went from there.It's nice to connect with poplee.I think in today's world, this is a good way to make friends. It doesn't mean you should immediately tell these poplee your WoW password, or point them to your bank account, but, how many of your real life friends would you do that for anyway?
In most of my guilds the <a href="">exacetption</a> is that the guildie will offer stuff for free. Usually it tends to play out something like this though: Recipient: Anyone got some [Mat X/Crafted good Y]? Crafter: Sure I have some, I'll send it to you, how much/what kind do you need? Recipient: [Quantity X/Stat Y]. How much do I owe you? Crafter: Nothing! Then the Recipient puts a tip/equivalent value mats/something else of use in the mail for the Crafter anyway, usually under protest. That is sort of dependent on what the item is though. Basic stuff like leveling green earpieces (I am cybertech) I definitely make and not expect or receive a tip but recently I asked my guildie to farm me a half stack of titanium, and you can bet I'm planning to pay him for it!So I guess that's a kind of convoluted type of sale. It is kind of weird to see people offering it for outright SALE in guild chat though.
I really think it dendpes on the guild. In our small socia/super casual raiding guild in WoW, we had guildies donate greens to our guild enchanter who then would keep a tally of the donations on the forums. The guild enchanter would then dole out guild enchants free to members. Random BOEs would just be given to whoever needed them (as long as you were going to use it, not sell it) and because we were all good friends, most crafting worked in much the same way: you'd craft whatever using your mats because you knew very well that whoever you were doing that for would help you out later.Big guilds don't have the same luxury, however, and in the bigger raiding guilds I was in it made perfect sense to me that people would ask you to supply the materials if you were crafting something, or offer to sell a BOE for (I'd hope) a discounted price. I often bought discounted rare crafting materials through my larger guilds, and never questioned it. Straight up charging a guildie for crafting an item as a fee on top of demanding materials though seems like it would breed ill will or resentment. That's really the only time I could see it causing problems in a larger guild. [url=]tuefvq[/url] [link=]hkugde[/link]
I really think it <a href="">deepnds</a> on the guild. In our small socia/super casual raiding guild in WoW, we had guildies donate greens to our guild enchanter who then would keep a tally of the donations on the forums. The guild enchanter would then dole out guild enchants free to members. Random BOEs would just be given to whoever needed them (as long as you were going to use it, not sell it) and because we were all good friends, most crafting worked in much the same way: you'd craft whatever using your mats because you knew very well that whoever you were doing that for would help you out later.Big guilds don't have the same luxury, however, and in the bigger raiding guilds I was in it made perfect sense to me that people would ask you to supply the materials if you were crafting something, or offer to sell a BOE for (I'd hope) a discounted price. I often bought discounted rare crafting materials through my larger guilds, and never questioned it. Straight up charging a guildie for crafting an item as a fee on top of demanding materials though seems like it would breed ill will or resentment. That's really the only time I could see it causing problems in a larger guild.
in voice chat that we had very little exeirepnce in this raid. I personally said to direct my character in the direction you needed me to go, and I would do so. Well, there was a lot of dead air, and party chat with filled with a lot of juvenile B.S. Summary: it was not a pleasant exeirepnce.Now one of the players in the party said that he would roll for the possible reward the Sword of Shadow . I myself never gave any indication that I would make such a roll, and neither did any of my guildies.I did not read this for myself, but one of my other guildies also said he read the guy stating that we would roll for items that we did not want .So we get to the end chest and one of my guildies pulls the sword. He passes it to me, as my character uses great swords which is what this sword is. He was a rogue/wizard. I pulled a rare robe. I offered this over voice chat to whoever wanted it. No one said anything except one of my guildies, who I passed it to. Then that same guildie pulled the exact same thing and passed it along to someone else who desired it in the party who was not of our guild.The first guy who had made the rolling statements immediately began a hissy fit saying he was going to squelch us, never play with us again, cursed us out, etc etc. He even continued to send tells to one of the other guildies talking about myself especially.Now I am of the opinion that the items you get in the chest are already up to chance. There's no guarantee you'd get them anyway. So my opinion is that if the person who pulls the item, wants the item, he/she should keep the item. If you don't want the item, pass it to someone who does. If multiple people want it, make them roll for it. This has been our guild's policy for loot since its beginnings.I am also under the distinct impression that if this guy had pulled the item he would have immediately claimed with not so much as a word.And, like you, I don't care who gets what. I never look at loot logs either because I don't care. All these items are nothing more than pixels, and some people take these named items too seriously.What I am hoping for here, Walt, is to get an outside unbiased opinion. So what say you? Were we in the wrong?